Career Goals Essay

Career Goals Essay

Students write these career goals essays in school and college. When they grow up, they will need to do similar tasks for the job interview. Some employers even ask their candidates to compose such essays. These data are provided with the job application, and the bosses will learn more about the candidate. Besides, writing the career goals essay is a good kind of the mind practicing itself. It can help you to get a better understanding of what you want to achieve. Besides, it is an efficient way to organize your thoughts and make plans for future actions.

It does not matter why you need to write this essay, for other people or your use. There are useful tips and recommendations which will help you with the task.

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Ideas for the Career Goals Essay

Ask a child about plans for the future, and you will most likely hear some of the most ambitious things in the world. There is no harm in thinking big. Later these dreams can turn into goals.

First of all, you need to understand your inclinations. Second, define your priorities and create an action plan.

Ask yourself some questions and answer them honestly. There is no use in deception when you talk to yourself.

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  • What do you enjoy doing?
  • Can you make a living doing the things you love?
  • What jobs attract you?
  • Can you reach perfection in those jobs?
  • What skills do you have to reach your goal now and what you need to learn?
  • How do you see your life in one year and ten years from now?
  • What are your short-term goals? And what is the long-term goal?
  • How did you come to these goals? Were there any cases in the past that inspired you to move in this direction?

Researches claim that putting the things down to paper helps to form them in your mind. This gives a better understanding of what you want and need. Besides, it can make your ideas more material in a certain way.

Writing a Career Goals Essay

As you deal with the form of an essay, you will need to follow a certain scheme. It is not obligatory if you use this text for yourself only, there you can simply write as it goes. However, it is different in case this essay is for somebody else. You need to give your essay proper structure if you prepare it is for teachers, admission committee or bosses.

An essay is a form of freewriting with significantly fewer rules than other forms. Still, the rules of the composing essay are in place. You should follow them to present your work in the best light.

You don’t need to run an investigation of the third-party resources for this essay. The main source of the information for this work is your personality and experience. It can be said that you need to understand yourself before you present yourself to other people. After you define your goals, find the arguments to support your plans.

Formulate what you want to achieve in the short-term and long-term prospects. When you are sure that you understand it and are ready to work on it, start to write.

Structure of the Career Goals Essay

This type of essay will follow the same “template” as the rest of thematic essays. The text should have three parts: the introduction, the body, and the conclusion.


This is the relatively short part of the text where you give an overview of the essay theme. At the same time, it is the most important part, because here you have to grab the attention of your readers. If your career prospects depend on the impression from your essay, give your best to make the introduction catchy.

  • Do not go for general phrases and cliché. Tell a story to make them interested. It is great if you possess some literary techniques to make your text brighter.
  • You can refer to some facts from your experience which inspired you for the choice of your future career. It could be some small talk with an important person, or one of your hobbies, or even a book or movie which impressed you.
  • In this part, you are welcome to share your emotions. Remember the main goal of this essay: you have to make the reader want to get further and learn more.
  • After that tell what your career goals are.

Body of an Essay

This is the main part of your work. Here you need to explain what you are going to do to achieve the aims. You should present several statements and support them with reasoning like you would do for any other thematic essay.

The hint is the same as with the introduction part: be specific and give real examples. They don’t need to be based on your own experience only, though it would be useful. You can use facts from the other reliable sources if they can prove your claims.

  • Outline this part of the career goals essay before you start to write everything down. Most likely you want to talk about both the short-term and the long-term career goals. These two concepts should be two separate entries of your plan. Then make them detailed and add sub-paragraphs:
  • Define your short-term goals. For example, the goal is to become a student of the definite university. Tell what skills you already possess for that. Also, describe what you have already done for this. It will be good to mention your favorite subjects and activities if they help you to gain knowledge. Then tell what you plan to do further to achieve your goal. For example, tell that you plan to join some dedicated programs or work with the coaches. You can also run own investigations on some subject.
  • Define long-term goals. Here you may provide more speculations and even share your dreams. Don’t concentrate on graduating from college and getting the job only, you will need more. At the same time, show your understanding of the changeable nature of our lives. Tell that you are aware that your current long-term goals may and most likely will change in the future. So, concentrate more on the potential impact which you want to have on your family, friends, and society.
  • When you compose the outline for this essay, mark every separate entry. Dedicate it to one of the career goals and pick up the proper arguments to support them. Give them all priorities – it might not be necessary to mention each of your goals when you have many of them. Tell about the most important ones which are significant for you. The goal to learn a new language to feel more comfortable while traveling is worth mentioning, as it will help you in your career as well.


The conclusion is as important as the introduction. Once more stress your main career goals and the professional and social ambitions. Add emotions into the story, use catchy phrases. If you present your career goals essay for evaluation, make it strong. It should grab the attention of the audience and leave positive impressions.

Language Choice for the Career Goals Essay

This type of essay is the most personal of all. You represent yourself to the public. That’s why you need to work on your language to be noticed and remembered. Use the colloquial language style with literary techniques. The bright and vivid text will help you to make contact with your audience. You can both entertain them and give information about you. 

Refer to metaphors, epithet, and allegory. Use humor, as a good joke is the best thing to cheer the audience up and show you as an open-minded person. Your target is to show your personality in the best light. Thus, use your ambition and skills to influence other people.

Your career goals essay would hardly remain the same in due course. People change their plans and start new tasks. So will you, when you find new subjects and meet new people.

The career goals essay is supposed to help you to find your place in the world right at the moment. Later you can obtain a completely different vision of your career. However, it is useful to write such an essay even if it is not a task at school. This work is a perfect mind training and an efficient psychological technique.

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