How to Create a Law Essay – 3 Parts

How to Create a Law Essay – 3 Parts

Therefore, if you are a law college student, faculty teachers may ask you to create a law essay. With new laws coming out every year, the writing process can be challenging. To get an A +, your essay must be logical, reasoned, and structured. Only by adequately planning the time, parts of the paper will you be able to cope with the task. How to do it right? We will talk about this in our article. We will share the best law essay writing techniques and strategies.

Part 1 – Choosing a Topic

Your theme will set the tone for the entire text. Therefore, before you start writing an essay, you need to decide on the topic. Below we have identified points that are worth paying attention to.

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Read Tips From Teacher

Most often, professors themselves provide topics, tips, recommendations for formatting and structuring, so they want the paper to meet education requirements. Professor may ask you to answer a specific question. However, if the professor has given you complete freedom in choosing a topic, we recommend that you focus on topics within the general course.

What to do with tips from the professor? For example, a professor might give you the following topic: “How did US laws evolve?” The topic is quite extensive, so we recommend that you contact your teacher for details. The teacher may have thought about how the civil law movement contributed to the changes in US law in this matter. Therefore, to give specific information, you must clarify what he wants to see in the essay with the teacher.

If there are no strict recommendations, we advise you to draw up a plan for the chosen topic. With a plan ready, ask your teacher to assess the quality of the content or give advice. If in doubt about your choice, ask your teacher for literature where there are good topics for inspiration. Talk about it after class – this approach will increase your chances of getting an A +.

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Read Available Literature

There are many topics in authoritative sources. Therefore, read as much literature as possible to find the most suitable topic. At the same time, pay attention to the fact that the literature corresponds to your level of knowledge. If the book is too difficult for you, look for an alternative. Also, do not rush to make a choice. For example, you have read two books or magazines, you like the topic, and you are ready to create. However, there may be more scientific articles that will show your writing skills much better.

Apply the Brainstorming Method

Use brainstorming techniques to come up with bright ideas. You can create a list of ideas with at least ten topics. Or you can make an idea map – this approach enhances your creativity. To apply an idea map, you need paper. Write a word in the center and add arrows that you associate with this word. You can also add arguments and examples.

Note that during the couples, you most likely recorded some material. Why don’t you take advantage of the topics you’ve already learned? Sometimes old templates can be better than new ideas. If you haven’t written down topics, then you probably have a list of topics that you study in the faculty. Search the Internet for background information on these topics.

Don’t be afraid to change the subject. Sometimes students start writing essays and realize that the topic looks boring or too complicated. So narrow your questions down to make writing more accessible, or stop and rethink your ideas.

Choose a Topic That Interests You

According to statistics, A + is awarded to students who were heavily involved in the topic. Therefore, choose a theme that will hook you and contribute to the creative flight of fantasies. By selecting an interesting topic, you will feel motivated to create a quality document. Plus, you will have fun, and your essay will not seem like an impossible task for you. For example, you can choose one law that inspires you and focus on studying it. Let’s say your family is in the grocery business. Write about what laws your family adheres to.

Making a Plan – Part 2

Once you have chosen a topic and researched all the sources, you can start drawing up a preliminary plan. The structure of a law essay follows the format of any other essay. Your paper should include the following sections:

  1. Introduction.
  2. Three paragraphs of body text, with arguments or examples.
  3. Conclusion.

When planning your essay for each section, write small ideas. These topical sentences will help you remember what you want to write. Divide the outline into sub-paragraphs to make the future text more readable. Do not forget to cite sources correctly. Also, if you have used other people’s ideas, make a bibliography.

Law Essay Writing Process – Part 3

With a ready-made plan, you can start the writing process. Each essay may have additional parts, but we will cover the most important ones so that you have an idea of what a standard essay should look like.


The introduction is the part of the essay that should grab the reader’s attention. In the introduction, you should introduce the reader to the topic and briefly describe what you want to discuss. You must place the lead in the first two sentences. Most often, the attention of readers is caught by statistical data, examples, quotes. Next, you must provide a thesis – the main idea of ​​the article.

A law essay can be up to 10 pages long – everything depends on the topic. Therefore, if your article is too long, we recommend creating a roadmap in the introduction. The reader can read the sections and determine for himself whether it is worth reading the article. If your goal is to grab the reader’s attention, then study the potential audience so that everyone wants to read the text.


The body should include at least three paragraphs. Here it would help if you described the topic as best you can. Therefore, collect as many facts, proofs, arguments, examples as possible so that your article looks reliable. Each body paragraph should support the thesis and start with a thematic sentence, to remind the reader what the essay is about.

Also, with the help of a thematic proposal, you can develop a new idea. Note that each paragraph should complement each other but not repeat information. You should only use evidence from credible sources. Wikipedia is not a reliable source. Good literature books, scientific books, documentaries, articles, laws – here, you can always refer to the author if someone wants to object to your ideas.

Remember to use transitional words and phrases. Such words and phrases help readers move from one thought to another. This will make the text more logical. Among the most popular transient words, the following are considered: therefore, then, similarly, as an example, moreover, also.


The conclusion should contain the thoughts that you expressed in the previous paragraphs. Never write new information in conclusion, as this is a time for additional thought, and the text will look unfinished. Here you can tell the reader if you were able to prove the thesis. Another secret is that you can reformulate the thesis and say how this topic influenced you.

The conclusion should continue the main idea of ​​the article. If your idea was to provide answers to questions, you could briefly list the central answers. By doing this, you will again indicate that you have done qualitative research.

Finally, you can summarize the thematic sentence from the body paragraphs. If you want to motivate the reader to take action, use slogans or phrases. For example: “Let’s take care of nature! Otherwise, we will all be on the verge of extinction.” You can also ask a rhetorical question to make the reader think about your topic.

General Tips For Writing Law Essay

Not everyone can learn how to properly compose a law essay because this requires a lot of time and effort. Also, the learning process can last forever, as there is always something to improve. However, we have five tips to help you become a good writer:

  1. When creating a law essay, you must use formal language. Do not use everyday words and phrases that violate the norms of academic writing. Quotes are an exception but stick to the formatting rules so you don’t get accused of plagiarism.
  2. It would help if you struck a balance between personal opinion and credible sources. For example, you can accompany each quote with a personal opinion. However, do not overdo it with quotes – they should not occupy more than 40% of the total volume.
  3. Expand all paragraphs in a logical sequence. To prevent the reader from getting confused in the flow of information, write sequentially. Also, write complex terms and explanations to them correctly.
  4. It would help if you learned how to analyze each law. The fact is that laws are developing rapidly. There is a chance that you will write outdated information, being too lazy to double-check everything. Don’t make this mistake and double-check the relevance of the data.
  5. If you have too many academic assignments, entrust your essay writing to experienced writers. They are always up to date with the latest developments, they know the requirements for the design of scientific papers, and they will create an article without plagiarism.

Great Example of Law Essay

Sometimes, to create a quality essay, there is not enough information for inspiration. We have prepared for you an example of a successful law essay:

Every person has natural rights from birth. All of them are enshrined in the Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the international community. Surprisingly, it took people centuries to understand and assert their rights. Yet they are so simple and straightforward! If all people respect their own and others’ rights, there will be much less grief, tears, and injustice on Earth.

The human was born into the world. By this, he has already proved his first right – the right to life. The child becomes a full citizen. From the first minutes of his life, he already has his rights. Every child has the right to a given name, surname, citizenship, and the right to health care. Even at a young age, a child has the right to defend his interests.

But, as Karl Marx said, “there are no rights without duties and obligations without rights.” For example, everyone’s right to life is linked to the obligation to preserve it. The right to a decent standard of living is combined with the obligation to spend it with dignity. The right to freedom in searching for truth is associated with the obligation to seek the truth to know it more deeply. Anyone who defends his rights, and at the same time forget about duties or does not give them due attention, exposes himself to the danger of building with one hand and with the other – to destroy.

Now I am a freshman in law college. I understand that it is challenging to study, but it is necessary. What rights does a student have? For example, the right to be rewarded for a good and excellent study. Human rights ethics recognizes each individual as an equal member of society, regardless of social and property status, adherence to specific political, religious, and moral views. The state is obliged to guarantee the observance of human rights, recognizing that the value of the human person is higher than any value – a nation, class, group of people, etc.

The state and its laws must protect human rights. But people often have to defend themselves precisely from the state and its leaders. Even seventy years ago in Europe, some women with poor health were forbidden to give birth to children for the sake of “the purity of the nation.”

Ideally, these times have passed, humanity has become more conscious. I believe that each of us must watch whether his rights and freedoms are not being violated. And, of course, defend them. And also – to respect the rights of others, no less than your own. Then our state can be called legal.

The Final Insight

Law essay is usually quite complex since you need to consider different legal rules. It is way different from the literature of history essays. So sometimes students may have difficulties with writing law essays. If you are one of such students, just ask our team for help. We have writers with Master’s and Ph.D. in Law, so they will create amazing papers for you!

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