How To Cheat Turnitin And Get The Perfect Result

How To Cheat Turnitin And Get The Perfect Result

For most students, the Turnitin plagiarism checking tool has become one of the banes in their academic lives. As long as it features complex algorithms, the students are supposed to edit their essay tasks unrealistically. 

Plagiarism is a crucial problem when studying. The students that commit such academic misconduct will definitely face the consequences. However, if they just want to get a good grade and try to express themselves, it might be troublesome. Even a few words might sometimes be detected and considered as plagiarism by Turnitin. It is rather unfair, right?

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Here, we are going to battle Turnitin. Let’s cover the inner workings of it, basics, and useful tips.

What Is the Definition of the Turnitin Tool?

Turnitin is an extremely popular plagiarism detection and originality checking service that the iParadigms group created. The original name of it was It was developed for professors and teachers that needed a device to improve quoting and paraphrasing on their academic works. 

Nowadays, Turnitin checker operates on a commercial basis. It requires students to register a user profile. It has been utilized by more than thirty million students around the world. Professors might also utilize it to check the uniqueness of the works of their students. This system compares the written materials with the indexed Web content, with huge databases of text and previously submitted written papers and articles. 

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How Does Turnitin Work?

           There are 3 basic elements of Turnitin’s database:

  1. The existing academic essay’s collection. These papers were submitted by students.
  2. All accessible Internet pages.
  3. Commercially accessible pages that were extracted from journals, newspapers, and books.

Indeed, Turnitin is supposed to analyze these components and emphasize the things that were plagiarized, if any. It might be beneficial to utilize Turnitin for students. However, if your target is to avoid getting your essay compared with written sources found in the database, it is essential to comprehend how it operates exactly. By doing this, you might be able to pass the Turnitin similarity score and easily reach your academic targets. 

How To Utilize Turnitin?

Once it became a commercially available service, the Turnitin might nowadays be utilized by both students and teaching assistants, and teachers. 

Teachers might ask their students to use Turnitin to submit their essays. The system will assist them then in checking whether essays are unique or were copied or paraphrased from outside sources or another student’s essays. Turnitin will give a detailed survey depicting the percentage of uniqueness. Also, it will provide you with exact source materials from where the text was paraphrased or copied. It is called the Similarity Report.

Nevertheless, students might utilize Turnitin as a device to assist them in preventing plagiarism and copyright infringement. However, in some cases, this service produces more issues for students, even for those ones who did not want to cheat. It is as long as it searches for similar sentence combinations and words. It might detect by mistake parts of original content, as paraphrased or copied. 

How to cheat Turnitin?

Turnitin has been used for many years. Many students have already tried to cheat its near-ideal algorithms. Here are the main tricks and tactics that might be useful to beat Turnitin.

Tactics That Do Not Work

The thesaurus trick

Some students think they might get away with plagiarism using synonyms or replacing the words in the unique source material. However, this tactic does not work because Turnitin easily detects synonyms. 


This is one of the most popular tricks that many people do if they replace a letter like “P” with a foreign-language character or letter that looks like “P”. It might be Cylliric “P”. The Turnitin has created their own similar-looking letters from various language. So their algorithms just replace these letters with the appropriate English character. It works by matching the words containing every letter variable.

Utilizing word macros as a disguise

Some students recommend utilizing PDFs or Microsoft Word’s macros to disguise the copied content. However, the idea is that the algorithms of Turnitin strip macros from the Word docs, in particular, for Word 2003 and older versions. When they strip a macro from such files, whichever text the user genuinely had in the file might appear. 

For example, if the file begins with “~e” and the user replaces it with “e” in macros, the Feedback Studio in Turnitin might strip these macros. They will make the unique “~e” appear in the essay. It will be reflected in the Similarity Report, and of course, in other files that the student submits to their teacher.

Adding images to reach essay length

Some students are just not aware of what or how to write for their essay task. Therefore, they try to add images to the text. It appears, for instance, like a 5-pages or 500-word paper. Turnitin, nevertheless, might easily find this deception form as long as its algorithm is created to detect word and paper length. Such essays are immediately flagged.

Make it invisible

Many students believe they might cheat Turnitin if they replace spaces in their essays with “invisible” text. However, with Feedback Studio of Turnitin, the essays that appear to feature such whiteouts would be rejected immediately due to the improper word lengths. Moreover, the text-only Similarity Report would still show all text no matter which color the user might utilize.

This is “My work”

Other users might incorporate quotation marks around their essays to make them look as if they have composed them by themselves. 

The issue is that Turnitin does not automatically exclude the quoted material. Only professors might tweak the default settings if they select to exclude the quoted materials from the Similarity Reports. The report might also depict the quotation marks at the start and finish of the essay, in the text of the same size. Additionally, if your professor tries to exclude the quoted material, the Turnitin will show a warning if a huge number of the student’s essay appears within the quotation marks. 

Tactics That Might Work


Paraphrasing is one of the safest and most efficient tactics to trick Turnitin. This system was created to detect constructions and passages that appear the same. However, it does not view paraphrased content, making this tactic a probable method to cheat Turnitin. 

Sure, you should spend some time on it, and it is rather risk-taking. Nevertheless, if you take a well-composed paper and paraphrase it using your own words, you will get a unique text, the author of which are you. Your teacher will not suspect anything. 

Use a reliable academic writing service

If you have tried everything and still the plagiarism is detected, you would better try to hire an expert writer to lift this heavy burden for you. It is one of the most efficient methods to get a well-composed essay with minimum effort and time wasted by you. What is more, the chances this paper is plagiarized are minimal. 

If you hire a writing service, you will enjoy cheating Turnitin and forgetting all your paper’s worries. If you choose a proper writing service, you will get a completely unique essay, which will be 100% plagiarism-free. Just send all the details to your writer, including formatting guidelines and structure.  

Why Should I Use a Custom Academic Service?

There are many reasons why it would be better to utilize a professional essay writing service. First of all, you will not waste your time doing boring tasks and spend your free time the way you wish. Secondly, if you hire a professional writer to craft a piece of writing for you, you will learn how to be a leader and delegate the boring routine to more skilled people who will definitely do it better than you might have done. Thirdly, you might simply fall ill and have no time and strength to complete this academic task, so it would be handy to ask an expert to assist you.

How Does It Work?

The first thing you are supposed to do is fill out the order form properly. Mention all the details about your essay, including the word count, formatting style you need, requirements, instructions, number of pages, and of course, deadline. Once you have mentioned all of these things, you should pay for the paper as long as nobody wants to work and help you free of charge. Last but not least, you should enjoy your free time and receive your essay before your deadline. Sounds interesting?

If yes, then you would better not hesitate and ask us for professional help right now. We are a team of expert writers that are able to craft a real masterpiece to impress your professor and peers. We are open round the clock, so you might reach us at any time of the day. If you want to get superb assistance now, feel free to reach our customer support representative ASAP! The earlier you send us all the details, the sooner you will hand in a real masterpiece to your teacher, so hurry up to get the top grade! 

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