Guidelines To Write An Impressive Role Model Essay

Guidelines To Write An Impressive Role Model Essay

Being a high school or college student, you may receive a task to write about your role model. The essay is often used because it can reveal the personality of a student to some extent. Nevertheless, the essay is quite simple in structure, and many students don’t know how to work on the paper and manage the topic. They get lost because the topic is quite broad.

You don’t usually receive clear requirements from the professor. Therefore, you need to make up the structure, narrow the topic, and come up with a distinct paper without clear regulations from the professor. How is it possible to manage the role model essay successfully? We will teach secret tips so that you can impress the teacher or professor with immaculate writing.

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What Is a Role Model Essay?

A role model essay is a paper where students share their thoughts about the person they admire. It can be any person either connected to their life or not be present in the life of the writer. The role model essay is a very popular writing task. Why do professors often ask to dwell on this topic? There are a few reasons for such a tendency:

  • If you are studying in a high school, the professor may task you with the assignment to check your preferences. It may sound weird at first, but writing about your role model may tell a lot of interesting things about you. In a high school, you form your priorities and look for people to follow. These people may be your compass to college life. It is important to task high school students with the role model writing to help them find their roadmap, define their principles and plans.
  • In a college, a role model essay is a great opportunity to check if the student has chosen the right path. When you describe the person, you admire you start to imitate his or her style of living, habits, and objectives.
  • Another case is when your employer asks you to describe your role model. It doesn’t often happen in the workplace. But when having the interview to land a job or any position, you may be asked to describe the person that you admire. It will help the listener understand more about your personality, preferences, hobbies, or life principles and guidelines.

This is the purpose of the role model essay. You may first think that the role model paper is a useless topic. But in the end, you will see how beneficial it was to describe this person. You will get closer to who you are and be able to understand your true values. So, let’s not underestimate the importance of the writing but dwell on its peculiar aspects.

Role Model Essay: Structure and Basic Components

The essay has nothing special about its structural components. It follows the same pattern as any other academic essay. You will need to separate the text into paragraphs to make the content more readable.

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You need to differentiate between the introductory part, the main body paragraphs, and the conclusion. The structure is basic and is more like a formality. But if you want to stick to the norms and make sure the text reads smoothly, you should pay attention to the following elements.


In the opening part of your essay, you should introduce your role model to the readers. It will serve as the introduction to your paper. Start your writing with a brief overview. Tell the reader who your role model is. It is crucial for understanding the text. If you admire this person, there may be some people who don’t even know about such a personality. Or, if you choose your family member, you also need to tell briefly about his or her occupation or some other background info.

Body Paragraphs

This is the most exhaustive section of the paper. In body paragraphs, you will have to dwell on the topic and communicate the reasons for choosing this person. Try to follow the logic and don’t mess up with the information. You can choose the following guidelines to work on the body paragraphs:

  • Tell how the person influenced your life. In the first paragraph, you need to refer to the impact that the person made on your life. You need to perform the example. Tell about the situation or a sequence of events that made you think of the person as a role model. You should also mention what was the tipping point when you changed your life habits, the vision of the world, or even a schedule because of this person. Maybe you have become a different person thanks to the impact of your role model? The situations shouldn’t be of great importance to the reader. If you don’t have an impressive story, stay true to what is your reality. It’s better to be sincere and choose 1 or 2 explicit examples that can vividly illustrate the positive impact on your life.
  • Give clear examples. You need to prove that this or that person is your role model. What are the reasons for your choice? Why is this person so unique and important to you? You can list several reasons to explain what you admire the most. Perhaps, you enjoy his or her lifestyle, thoughts, or beliefs. Maybe you are impressed by the professional growth of this person. You need to let others understand why you have chosen this particular person. It is always a great idea to insert quotes, sayings, or citations to reinforce the impression.
  • In the previous part, it was important to accentuate the professional characteristics or real contribution of this person. In the next section, you can point out the personal traits of character. There are so many ways to describe the character. You can use synonyms to reinforce this or that feature. If you want, you may back up your words with an example. Remember when this person expressed the trait. You can also add that you try to work on your traits and develop the same features in your life. In this paragraph, it is also a great idea to mention the challenges that the person faced. Few people may boast of a perfect and smooth life. So, shedding some light on the past would be a good idea.
  • The final body paragraphs part should communicate the long-term impact on your personality. Have you learned anything from your role model? If you had had situations when you managed the difficulties with the help of the same qualities or features, tell about them.

Conclusive Part

In the last paragraph, you may write how grateful you are to have such a person in your life. If this is a celebrity or someone not from your circle, you can say how happy you are to have heard about this person.

What You Need to Avoid in a Role Model Essay

Nevertheless, there are few requirements for the paper, and you still need to avoid the following things to come up with a decent paper:

  • Don’t copy the essay. You need to write it from the bottom of your heart. If you copy the writing, you steal the idea of another person. It is ethically incorrect to describe the role model of another person.
  • Don’t exaggerate. You don’t need to create imaginary stories to impress the reader. If you admire the life story of your mother, sister, or father, tell it and ignore the expressiveness. If the person contributed to your life, you have to appreciate it, no matter how epic it was.

These are two simple things that lots of students forget about. And then their texts become artificial and not pleasant to read. If you want to interest the reader with your story, be sincere about the facts.

Let’s Sum It Up

The topic is an easy one, but if you want to make a compelling essay, you will have to work on it. When writing, use our tips, and you will get a well-structured paper in the end. The teacher or professor will appreciate your prolific approach to the task. By using our working tips, your role model essay will make a lasting impression on the reader.

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