Briefly About Case Study

Briefly About Case Study

Before starting the workflow and deepening into the main aspects that are related to the case analysis, you should be familiar with the specifics of this phenomenon and understand its main goals. This information will help you to work out all stages of future work.

In fact, a case study means an analysis method that is widespread in many social disciplines. This phenomenon refers to the dynamic research of a particular organization, group or any other institution. The person who is writing this academic paper conducts a detailed study of a large number of different details.

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Writing a case analysis is a very common business task. Its purpose is to demonstrate ways to analyze various phenomena, identify existing problems and think through the best ways to solve them in order to achieve the ultimate goal. To complete this task, you need to follow these steps:

  • Carry out a detailed analysis of the situation.
  • Decide on the desired result.
  • Outline the circle of problems faced by the company.
  • Consider possible solutions.
  • Draw up a diagram to better navigate the workflow.

Next, we looked at all the aspects that are necessary to understand how to write case analysis. Start with the preparatory phase and do the job perfectly!

First Steps to Writing

Your research supervisor can provide ready-made work. Then he can offer you one of them. In addition, you can choose a specific example yourself. In any case, the first step is to familiarize yourself with the case study. Despite the obvious color, many students are often careless about this item, which subsequently significantly affects the final result. However, it is necessary to read the assignment as carefully and responsibly as possible. Reread it several times, highlighting all the key aspects that you will return to during the writing process.

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The most important point is that you won’t be able to write great work if you don’t have enough knowledge about the selected study. Even using a specific analysis as a model does not guarantee a good case study if you do not have the necessary information about your own.

Another of your tasks is to conduct research. At this stage, you have to perform the following steps:

  • Collection of statistical data (for instance, 54% of employees participated in the conference).
  • Development of research methods. Here you can use tools such as surveys or questionnaires, thanks to which you can facilitate the work with data collection.
  • Definition and suggestions of the most profitable and high-quality ways to solve the problems underlined.

Key Points

You should also remember the need to develop the ability to conduct an analysis of a case study. After reading several examples, you should think about your own work and determine the area of ​​study. There are different steps that you can make at this stage.

  • Identification of the key issue of your case analysis.
  • Study of the main reasons that led to the emergence of this issue.
  • Establishment of a causal relationship between the various parts of the analyzed phenomenon.
  • Formulation of the best quality methods for solving all the necessary aspects.
  • Planning and writing a short essay. After that, you can discuss what you have written and shared your thoughts with your supervisor or colleagues. However, remember that experienced professionals have a better understanding of how to write case analysis. That is why their solutions and conclusions can look much better than yours. But don’t be discouraged.
  • Your task is not to provide good work and forget about the analysis of a case study. On the contrary, the main goal is to permanently train and develop acquired skills.

The ability to learn from your own mistakes and highlight the main ideas of others will help you improve the result with each new job.

The Process of Writing a Case Analysis

Before the beginning of writing, you can read the articles of other authors. Even in the absence of this step, you need to know all the features of the format and have an idea of ​​how to write a case analysis. There are different variations of this phenomenon. However, Monash University assumes the presence of eight parts, which are presented in this form:

  • Writing annotations. This paragraph is intended to provide a summary of your research and serves as a starting point.
  • Describe the main tasks and problems that will be revealed during the work.
  • Provide all the necessary information about the authors.
  • Tell us about the problems you encountered during the study.
  • Briefly describe the main aspects of the theoretical part of the case analysis.
  • Highlight the most important and significant elements of the research and state each of them.
  • Work with the conclusions. At this stage of the work, you need to describe the problems that you have discovered.
  • Separately describe each of them.
  • Provide evidence that all of the analyzed issues are important.
  • Break this part of the text into short pieces.
  • Conducting analysis. Here you need to emphasize all the problems and justify the proposed solutions.
  • Brief information about each issue.
  • Description of the possible solutions.
  • Analyze the pros and cons.
  • Summarizing. This step involves an analysis of the results and a description of the findings.
  • Providing recommendations. Here, your task is to provide advice related to the study and the results obtained.
  • Determine which solution is the best for each highlighted problem.
  • Justify your choice and tell us about the operation of this method.
  • Remember to be convincing when writing this section. Be concise and clearly describe your thoughts and ideas.
  • Use theoretical material to improve the quality of tips.
  • Methods of implementation. Here your task is to provide information on exactly how the proposed solutions will be implemented in practice.
  • Describe in detail all the necessary steps and other related aspects.
  • Indicate all possible costs that will be used to achieve the goal.

List of the References and Appendices

*Bibliography. Although the list of materials to be analyzed is usually not mandatory, do not ignore this item. Quoting various sources and proper presentation will make the final result even better. Remember the existence of various citation formats, including AMA, ASA, APA, and others. Each of them has its own requirements and features that have to be taken into account.

*Additional materials. Providing a variety of applications is the end of a case analysis. Here may be data that is presented in the form of a table, graph or chart. Their task is to illustrate the previously described aspects. However, using such forms in the main body of the paper is not a good idea.

A Few More Details

Remember that every part of the workflow is important and needs to be worked out. After completing your case study, you need to read the written work several times and check for possible shortcomings. In addition to possible problems with spelling and grammar, your paper may have branches from the topic or other negative traits. Pay special attention to all these points during the final editing.

Also, you are able to ask another person to help you with checking and improvement of your paper. Sometimes a fresh look at the paper may notice flaws in places you were sure about before. A long workflow can confuse you and take you away from important details.

Another important note is the need to understand more than just how to write a case analysis. You should also be aware of possible errors and avoid creating conditions for their occurrence. Avoid the following things:

* Excessive conversational style (even a description of the situation from real life requires adhering to the formal language).

* Lack or insufficient amount of statistical information (use percentages when describing important phenomena).

* Too detailed description of minor events (focus on key facts, not allowing the audience to wallow in a heap of unnecessary information).

* Incorrect design of the methodology (the theoretical part is the foundation of a case analysis, which requires careful study of each step). It is important that your approaches and methods are unique.

Familiarization with the works of other authors will be an extremely useful and important activity. You can start with this step and build on it, defining ways to present information.


Writing a case study is a popular and common research method that is used when studying certain phenomena. Conducting an analysis of several cases contributes to obtaining more reliable and convincing information than the study of one specific phenomenon. Thanks to this kind of activity, a comprehensive study of various industries and the development of theoretical materials are carried out.

Writing a case analysis has its own peculiarities and involves following the various rules which are related to the established format.

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